Thursday, August 1, 2013

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows [Re-read]

Actually I have finished this book weeks ago, but…..I already knew that this seventh book of Harry Potter would be the most difficult to review. Why? Because there are so many actions, so many important details, so many touching scenes, and so high tension, that you’d wonder where to begin with…. But, a review must be made anyhow, so, I’ll try to be moderately short. :)

Harry’s separation with the Dursleys is so abrupt, but nevertheless, Dudley’s last words is quite touching. And I think it acts as a consolidation between Harry and the Dursleys. No matter how rude they have been to him all those years, nevertheless, without them, Harry would not have survived from Voldemort. Again, Rowling highlights the importance of home and family to protect you from the world’s evil; and before you come of age, do not leave that protection for your own good.

The trio’s journey to find the Horcruxes is very interesting. It seems to have prepared them to deal with much more dangerous situations later on. I admire their strong friendship; these hard times have tested and purified it. The journey is sometimes rather distressing, when they are in bad mood and don’t know what to do for days (I skipped here and there on this stint), but Rowling could maintain the balance with little news here or new knowledge there, which I think makes the whole story becomes more natural.

Snape’s memory Harry has the privilege to enter via the Pensieve is very intriguing. One thing in it keeps me wondering; it is the scene of Lily Potter saying goodbye to Petunia right before the Hogwarts Express is about to depart. How on earth can Petunia—a muggle—enter the platform 9 ¾ ? Is it another flaw? In the seventh book? Anyway, I can, once again, understand Petunia’s feeling at that time. The separation hurt her so much, that makes her grown as a bitter person. For Lily, it is a new revelation, and being with people of her own kind makes her happy. But for Petunia? It’s as if she had lost someone by death. Happiness for someone could mean sorrow for another.

In this last book, the true characters of (in particular) Harry and Ron is more emphasized, with all of their struggles beneath what they appear to be all those years. In fact, they are more dependent to each other than they think. Harry needs Ron’s reasonable judgment, while Ron needs Harry’s lead; but pride often appears between them. Fortunately, they have Hermione as the counter-balance, as well as the brain (I often think that they need Hermione like we need Google; what can we do without it? LOL!).

From all the characters, I feel sorry to Albus Severus, the second son of Harry and Ginny. I think, bearing three great names: Albus, Severus and Potter must be quite a burden for anyone. Can you imagine if your parents named you like... Alexandre Pompey Caesar; wouldn't it be uncomfortable for you, knowing their reputation, that as if you are forced to do great things too? I think, even in naming his children, Harry still could not resist to do great things. I prefer Ron and Hermione's names choices: Rose and Hugo, making it simple, so the kids have chances to grow up normally with their friends.

And last but not least, I was reminded again of the grand theme which Rowling spare for Harry Potter series. After I read all the seven, I began to understand that Harry Potter was not meant to be a pure fantasy novel. First, it is about how people build their characters through experiences and free choices, like J.K. Rowling says: “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” It’s not what they are born that is important, but what they do in life, that determines their future being.

Second, and the greatest value Rowling writes about, is LOVE; she wants to remind us of the power of love; to never stop believing it; and that love CAN destroy all kinds of evil—no matter how strong they are. And with that, Rowling actually talks about God, which is the Divine Love. In the world where evil take control, we seem to be weak, and it seems absurd that we are supposed to fight them who are much stronger. But don’t forget that Love is the most powerful agent in the universe, because “Where Love is, God is”; and as God is the Creator of the universe, who can beat Him? So, let us be brave like Harry, stand up against evil, fight like Hogwarts!

Five stars for The Deathly Hallows.


*I read Bloomsbury hardback edition for:*

*This book is counted as:*

7th book for Hotter Potter

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