Sunday, August 11, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 7: My Blogging Quirks

These are how I do my blogging stuffs:

A good book or book that emotionally moved me usually fills my head as soon as I finish it. For this kind of books I must write the review right away, or else the emotion would evaporate from me, and in the end my review would be flat and plain. So, if you happen to read a very intense and emotional review in my blog, you can bet that I wrote it when the idea is still warm in me, and I liked the book!

I can write a review at home on weekend, but I often do it at the office, when I don’t have any engaging job to do (again…Love you Boss, for ignoring my taking office hours to blog!).

To write a review, I would make sure I have the book around me, in case I forget a name or a place, or want to find a certain passage or quote. If I don’t have the book on hand, I’d better postpone the review, because to write partly would ruin the mood.

As the internet connection is not always good to me, I don’t like to spend too much time in composing new posts on Blogger dashboard. So, I usually prepare my post from MS Word. I would properly arrange every paragraph, check spellings, put certain sentences on italic or bold, prepare images (download or scan, and save). After that I would copy and paste the whole text into the new post board. Then I might add images, set the quotation, and add links. This way, I don’t have to take a long time to re-arrange it while on Blogger dashboard.

I ALWAYS put at least one related image in my posts. Who don’t like images? And I think images attract people more than words :).

In reviewing, I follow my own rule, which is…no rule! I like to call it my free style :). I don’t set myself to always put a short synopsis in review, or things like that. I just open a new document in MS Word, and voila…I just type in what pops up in my head. I follow my intuition, or rather, the flow of my mind. Sometimes I start a review with a beautiful or thought provoking quote; sometimes I write the general outline of the story in two or three sentences; but sometimes I can just go into my thoughts of it, and then explaining the ‘why’. For detective-mystery books, I put spoiler alerts, but other than that—like Ruth put it—I have no qualms about spoiling the plot. Because for me, I don’t write reviews to provide information for others in the first place; I do it to express my thoughts on the book I have read, as if reading is an experience, and making a review is like capturing the moment in photos or videos.

I always include my rating for each book I review, usually at the end of the post.

I treat my blog as my online home; that’s why I spend a lot of time to pick a template and arrange the layout and widgets. I don’t like to change it every other time, because once I have fallen in love with the blog, I’ll treat it like home, and I need to be familiar with it.

I sometimes post my thoughts (outside a review) when I’m reading an interesting book. When I’m in the mood to reproach an annoying character, or I’m inclined to tell a certain character what he/she must have reacted, I would jot it down in a post.

I also like to do memes… :)

To make things neat, I put the book title as one of the tags (labels) in every post (concerning certain books). So, if I (or rather you, the readers) want to find all my thoughts about, for example, The Portrait of A Lady, you can click ‘The Portrait of A Lady’ tag , and everything about that book would appear in your screen. I put the tag URL in ‘The Classics Club Project’ list.

I try to open my blog every day, at least to check new updates from others in my blog roll.

I try to always reply every comment, as I believe blog is as our own home. When you have guests, you’re obliged to offer them warmth and hospitality by reacting when they want to talk to you. Anyway, I always write from my heart, so my blog is actually my own self. My blog is my way of communicating to you of how I think about books! :)

So….do you share any similar blogging quirks?


The rest 14 days of the challenge:
Day 1 - 15 Book Related Confessions
Day 2 - Bedtime Reading Ritual
Day 3 - Blogging BFFs
Day 4 - Last Book I Didn't Finish
Day 5 - A Tear-Jerker
Day 6 - How I Shop for Books
Day 8 - 15 Things Appeals to Me on Blogs
Day 9 - Why I Blog About Books
Day 10 - Choosing Books To Read Next
Day 11 - Five of My Best Blog Posts
Day 12 - Blogger Fatigue? Never!

Day 13 - Underappreciated Classis Everyone Should Read

1 comment:

  1. I do! I prefer to work in Word first, then cut and paste, AND I really like to add a picture related to the post.
